Inspirational Quote

via Pinterest

I'm back from a fantastic vacation with my family and trying to get my mind wrapped around all of the things I have to do for my clients.  AAGGHH!  Is it bad that I am counting down the days until school starts?  This will be the first year that both of my kids will be in school full-time!  This is very bittersweet since that means my kids are growing up but it also means that I get to finally devote more time to my design business.  I have some great projects in the works and I'm excited about having my work finally photographed so I actually have a portfolio.  I pray that I can live by the above quote and remember that the Lord has great things planned for us!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Tammy,
    I'm so glad I found your blog! I loved looking at your pics, you are so talented. I am not on facebook, but I have a blog too! Good to see your beautiful face and hope y'all have had a great summer!
    Steph Phelps
