America The Beautiful....


Like most of you, my heart aches to think about the tragedy that happened 12 years ago.  My mind has been on the families that lost their loved ones on Sept. 11, as well as the ones that have lost loved ones since defending our amazing country.  My heart bleeds red, white and blue and I couldn't be more proud to call myself an American.  I continue to pray for our country and especially for the brave men and women who continue to fight for our freedom.  God Bless America!

Mr. Bazaar Is Headed For America, Y’all
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Mr. Bazaar Is Headed For America, Y’all
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Mr. Bazaar Is Headed For America, Y’all
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This pretty red boat sports the U.S. yacht ensign, and makes the perfect patriotic party decoration when tied to the dock or cruising around the lake!   Congress authorized this flag design in 1848 as a signal to be flown by yachts holding licenses from the Secretary of the Treasury, so they could enter American waters without having to clear customs every time they returned from sea.
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American flag in bedroom
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On a side note, my husband and brother are in the air right now traveling to a business meeting.  I think I will feel a lot better once I get the phone call that their feet are back on the ground.  I don't know about you but flying still makes me nervous.

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