Calgon take me away......

Have you ever had one of those weeks when there is so much going on that your brain actually hurts just trying to keep everything straight?? Well, I am having one of those. My kids are just starting to get used to the early mornings and long days that school brings, and now this week brought the wonderful added stress of "after school activities." My daughter had gymnastics on Monday and my son had soccer on Tuesday and today. Don't get me wrong, obviously these things were added by us and loved by my kids. However, you throw in a school open house, homework, juggling client projects and oh yes, remembering that I now have a blog to write. Oh my goodness this momma is worn out! It hasn't helped that my sweet husband has been away on business working his tail off also. I will be so happy to have the extra set of hands around the house, not to mention his good looking face to look at! Ok, that is enough complaining from me, but boy did it feel good to just get it out there!! I'm sure so many of you can relate. Now for a glass of wine and that bubble bath I was talking about! Blessings!

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